How To Add Sex To Your Resolution List

People make New Year’s Resolutions for all kinds of reasons: exercise, nutrition, work goals, social situations—the list goes on!
But what about intimacy? It feels like ~sex stuff~ is usually left out of resolution rhetoric. And TBH, we think it shouldn’t be! This year, put sex on your list of life aspects you’d like to revamp.
Think about it: Amping up your intimacy game can be on your resolution list this year whether you feel like you and your partner are in a sex slump and if your sex life feels super satisfying. A lil’ novelty never hurts to keep your relationship feeling fresh.
So, all that said. Some ways to make the best of your sex resolution are…
Mix Up Your Positions, Please!
In the new year, you should get yourself unstuck from doing the same sex positions over and over again. If you find that you’re always returning to certain moves, make a conscious effort to add a variety of positions to your sexual repertoire. (Like doggy, lotus, surfboard, 69… You name it.)
Oral Fixation
Honestly? Sometimes the hottest way to amp up your sex life isn’t through penetrative sex, but rather, getting back to ~oral fixation~. Try incorporating more giving and receiving of oral sex this year, bringing each other to orgasm without giving in to the penetration temptation…
Start Sexting More
We’ve said it before but—when it comes to spicing up intimacy, sexting is totally key! It forces you to yearn for each other, incorporate dirty talk, describe what you’d like to do IRL, and adds an overall different element to your normal masturbation and sex routine.
Add Novelty
Of course, we’re always game for adding more lubes, toys, and lingerie into your sex life, and they’re certainly a great way to address your sexual resolution this new year. Consider what kinds of ~add-ons~ you haven’t tried yet and add the ones you’re curious about to your 2024 resolution list.
Stay Informed
If you want to learn more about something, it never hurts to pick up a good book on the subject matter. Seriously though—why not add some books about sex to your to-be-read pile this year? Not sure where to start? We compiled a short list of books that will improve your sex life.
Be sure to let us know if you have any sexual resolutions this year, K? See you next week and Happy New Year! 💜🥳
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