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The 5 Best Articles To Read On Love, Sex, And Relationships

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Are you all caught up on the latest news when it comes to sex, relationships, and dating? You should be! Trust: It’ll only help you become even more savvy when dating or navigating your current relationship. 

Here’s what we think you should be reading this week… 

What Is Stack Dating?, Cosmopolitan

Are you familiar with Gen-Z’s favorite dating practice? It’s called stack dating. Basically, it means that they’re squeezing in dates whenever it works for them–even if it means they’re grabbing coffee on their lunch break. Should you try it? Read to find out… 

Adorable Little Detonators: How Relationships Change When Babies Enter The Chat, New York Magazine

This viral article unpacks the pressures of maintaining all sorts of relationships once children enter the picture. Think: Did you feel socially isolated once you became a parent? The writer of this article says it’s common…  

Dating, Decoded: I Slept With Someone & They Lost Interest, Elite Daily

We’ve all been there: You think you and your date had an amazing night (with amazing sex!) only to realize they’ve lost interest basically the next day. (Ugh.) In her new advice column Elite Daily’s dating editor breaks down what to do if your date dumps you right after you’ve slept together. 

Scenes From An Open Marriage, The Paris Review

If you’ve ever thought about taking part in an open relationship, you should read this piece. It’s an essay that dives into a writer’s roller coaster of emotions as her and her husband experiment with being open for the first time. It’s so good!

The Real Reason I Sleep With Men Old Enough to Be My Dad, Cosmopolitan

Have you checked out Cosmopolitan’s new column “Sex At 26” yet? If not, get ready to read essays like the one above, where writer Kayla Kibbe breaks down her various sexual experiences as she navigates the New York City dating scene in her mid-twenties. (Hi, modern day Carrie Bradshaw!)

Hope you find these articles as interesting as I did! Check them out, and I’ll see you later.

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