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Spice Things Up Tonight With These Moves

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Happy Valentine’s Day! 💜

Odds are you already have something special planned for tonight. But because we want you to have the best experience possible, we thought we might help you out by giving you a final few actionable tips to make sure your Valentine’s Day goes as planned tonight. (If not better!) Here’s what you should know…

Grazing their legs… 

While you’re sitting at the bar or the dinner table, gently rub your leg up against your date’s to show you’re thinking about them in that way. It’ll communicate that you’re aroused without you having to say a word—which kinda makes it even hotter, no?

Whispering in their ear… 

Tell them how badly you want them tonight by whispering in their ear. You can do it while you’re in the car or on the train heading home from your date. Trust: It’ll build up anticipation for the bedroom and make you even more excited to get home. 

Kiss their neck… 

Want to take your whisper to the next level? Touch your lips to your date’s neck lightly, too, or even nibble their ear. It’ll take things to a more physical level and ignite the intimacy before you get home.

Compliment them… 

Whether you tell your date how hot they look tonight or what your favorite thing is about them, just make sure you pass a cute compliment their way. Why? Boosting their confidence helps them relax and settle into the night, making you both more prepared to give and receive pleasure. 

Slip on something sexy… 

Before you get dressed for your big date, slide on some sexy panties or lingerie to wear underneath your outfit. It’s like giving them one final gift to unwrap before engaging in a night of intimate fun. 

Got all this down? Great. We hope you have the best Valentine’s Day yet 💜.

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