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How To Navigate Cuffing Season!


Summer’s over! Hello, autumn 🍂. You know what that means? “Cuffing season” is here, folks! 

A quick reminder: cuffing season takes place during the colder months, when people tend to seek out relationships or “cuff” themselves to a partner for companionship and warmth, explains sex and relationship counselor Dr. Martha Tara Lee

And while cuffing season may give some relationships the bump of encouragement they needed to become full-on official, it also means that some people might  jump into coupledom when they’re not actually ready for it. Ugh! 

Want to make sure you’re doing cuffing season right this year? Here’s what you should know, according to relationship experts. 

Talk It Out 

“When navigating a new relationship during cuffing season, it's important to be clear about your intentions and expectations,” Lee explains. This means that whatever your sitch is, you need to have open conversations about what you both want from the relationship. K?

Don’t rush things… 

“Remember that cuffing season doesn't have to be the sole reason for getting into a relationship,” Lee says. Evaluate your feelings for a potential partner beyond the seasonal context. “Take things at a pace that feels comfortable for you and ensure that you're entering into the relationship for genuine connection and compatibility,” says Lee. 

Get Clear On Your Values 

Are you two on the same page when it comes to values? You should be, explains therapist Avigail Lev, founder of Bay Area CBT.  “Remember, values differ from character traits,” Lev says. “While traits might include being funny, attractive, or intelligent, values—like loyalty, kindness, empathy, collaboration, and cooperation—are more profound and less mutable,” she explains. (And they kinda make or break a relationship.) 

Avoid Cuffing For Convenience! 

“If you're with someone due to external pressures, loneliness, or the desire to avoid challenging feelings, it's time to reassess,” Lev says. Relationships should be about more than simply dodging discomfort! Think about what’s making you want to couple up with this person, and really interrogate whether or not cuffing season has anything to do with it… 

More prepped to navigate the colder months now? Hope so 🤞. Best of luck and see you later!

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