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Does Exercise Make You Horny? TBH, Yes.

women workout

If you checked out our IG or attended IRL, you’ll know that we had an amazing time collaborating with KKSWEAT and Alala on a butt-kicking workout event earlier this month. And yup, if you follow me, you know how important getting my daily exercise is for my overall health and mental wellness.

Basically, at Beia, prioritizing workouts is pretty darn important to us. Why? Well, in addition to being straight up good for you, it’s also an amazing way to boost your libido and intimacy in your relationship. 

Trust: Incorporating regular exercise into your routine is linked to higher levels of arousal and interest in sex, studies show. Here’s how: Working out can raise testosterone levels of both men and women—which, yes, is largely associated with increased libido levels. 

Whether you’re doing strength or endurance-based exercise, working out also reduces stress and lifts your mood. And you know what being in a good mood means? Odds are, you’re more likely to be in the mood for intimacy. 

Well, there’s your latest motivation to squeeze in that workout class this afternoon! (Especially after a weekend of noshing on delicious holiday leftovers.)  

Have fun breaking a sweat and we’ll see you next week 💜.

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