Do You Shave Down There?

What’s your relationship to your hair down there?
TBH, it’s different for everyone. So whether you leave it alone, wax, shave, sugar, trim, etc., it’s totally okay as long as you’re doing what works for you.
That said, did you know that studies show about 80 percent of women groom their pubic hair in some way, mostly removing hair from their bikini line or going completely bare!
Women tend to do this for cosmetic reasons—removing hair down there isn’t necessarily better for your health or anything! It’s all about your personal preference and what works for your hygiene needs.
(And FYI: around 50 percent of men groom their pubic hair, studies report.)
Just 5 percent of women groom down there daily, but for most, attending to pubic hair is more of a monthly maintenance.
And while so many women out there are handling their downstairs needs, here’s one thing to keep in mind: *Grooming your pubic hair is not a painless process.*
From cuts to burns to in-growns, more than 25 percent of those who groom their pubic hair sustain some kind of injury while doing so, according to studies—and women are more likely to get hurt than men. (Ugh.)
As time goes on, though, women tend to remove their hair less the older they get. (Like anything, our preferences change with time!)
Okay... Now that you’re all caught up on the state of hair down there, tell us:
How do you handle your pubic hair? How do you deal with injuries and in-growns? Whether you leave it be or you groom, we want to hear from the Beia community.
Shoot us a DM or reply to the newsletter, because trust: We want to know! Can’t wait to hear from you and see you next week 💜.
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